Immaculate Heart, full color


The Blessed Virgin Mary indicates her heart, full of love for her children, and wounded with sorrows more keen than the thrust of a sword.

Here she is clothed in white and blue. White speaks of her spotless purity. Blue recalls the eternal quality of the sky, which appears without limit to its height and depth, and also seems a veil between Earth and Heaven.

Thus, blue is symbolic of both infinity and divinity: Our Mother remains fully human yet her complete union with God brings her unto the very borders of Divinity. There, in utmost intimacy with the Trinity, she is our most direct channel to Christ.

At her feet are a church and  bishop: two figures that, like Mary, may be channels to God. At the back of the statue are the first words of the famous “Magnificat,” which is Our Lady’s response to the well known praise, “Blessed art thou among women.”

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This statue is 13” tall. Pairs with Sacred Heart statue.